In Loving Memory

Ruby Kleiber

Ruby Kleiber
October 6, 1921
November 13, 2009
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Dear Carol and Family:
I had a thought in my head to look up the Brenham paper on line and found that our dear friend and family member went to her Lord. And apparently not too long after I had left the Monastery.
Please know of my sadness of the news of Granny's passing, and the shock.
Know of my love for you and her during my time there in TX; and continuing thoughts of love and prayers as our paths move in different directions.
Please send me a note, Carol, if you can. Would love to hear from you.
May the Lord be holding you very close these days.
Peace to you,
Sr. Mary Francis Mure
Sr. Mary Francis Mure
Concord, NH

I'm so sorry to hear that your mom passed away. She was always so sweet to me and had a gentle spirit about her. God Bless.

Robin Krueger
Haslet, TX
Dear Carol and Family:
Helen and I want to express our sympathy to you on the death of your mother.
Remember the good times and hold on to the
great Resurrection passages--especailly John 14
and Rev. 21:4 & 5.
Clarence and Helen Weiser
Giddings, TX
Carol, we are so sorry to hear about your mother. Our prayers are with you. Please stay strong.
Donald and Carolyn Lange
Brenham, TX
Carol and family -
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May the warmth of God's love surround you and give you peace.
The Zimmermann Family
Burton, TX
Carol, I am so sad to hear about your dear sweet Mom. Even though our faith teaches us she is now in a wonderful place, it is still hard to say good bye to our Moms. It was always a pleasure to see your Mom. She was so polite and I know she was very proud of you. I only wish we had the time to have those coffee cake lessons we talked about. Keeping you in my thought and prayers. Joan
Joan Goebel
carmine, TX
Dear Carol,

I was so saddened to see the newspaper tonight. You are in my thoughts & prayers as your family suffers yet another loss, but I know in your heart you see this as a gain for Grannie Kleiber. She was such a delightful, independent lady - - - reminded me a lot of my own Mother!

No one knows better than you that God is good. He has given us His son so that we may have life eternal w/ Him. Don't you know that Larry is smiling . . . sorry, I didn't make it tonight. We will have lunch soon . . . LOVE, :-) PAT
Pat Schroeder
Brenham, TX
Carol, Judy, and Sandy
So sorry to hear about your mom. God has many plans for her in Heaven with your Dad. Remember that God loves you all.
Love, Knellen
Simon Knellen Quinteros
Brenham, TX
Dear Carol and Family,our hearthfelt sympathy. We will miss seeing her at Senior Center.
Ed and Evelyn Strangmeyer
Brenham, TX
My heart is with you all.
Wanda Leopold
Columbus, TX
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