In Loving Memory

Randy Steven Bedford

Randy Steven Bedford
August 18, 1954
August 5, 2024
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I didn’t get the chance to know Randy well, but, in my limited time around him, he impressed me as a considerate man of very good character.

My deepest sympathies to Joyce and to her family in the days and months to come when sadness and grief are most profound. I wish all the family the comfort that comes from warm and happy memories of Randy.

In the final months of his life, Randy contended with serious health challenges. His earthly struggles are over, and he is now in a realm of peace that is beyond our understanding.

I wish God’s peace for Joyce and for all who mourn Randy.
Amy Ardington
Bellville, TX
To my dear friend, Joyce, we send our love and sincere condolences. We pray that the Lord will comfort you and the entire family as only He can. We will continue to lift you up in prayer. It was such a privilege and honor to visit Randy and pray with him during his hospital stay. He was always so real and friendly. He will be greatly missed.

May the good Lord bless you and keep you in Jesus Name. Amen...
Larry and Yolanda Tyler
Larry and Yolanda Tyler
Hempstead, TX
I can not find words to say how sorry we all must be feeling during this time. We are here if you need us. I will always remember this true gentleman with a more than kind heart and the last time we prayed together, which was my honor and duty. Randy you are missed with fond memories'
Larry Tyler
Hempstead, TX
I am heartbroken for your loss. As kids we would all play football in the street almost every day. He was a large part of my childhood and always have and will hold him in fondest memories. He was definitely the Leader of the Pack.
Rick Remling
San antonio, TX
Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there is great love.
Jim & Janice DeThomas
Reston, VA
Suprized by our loss. Fond memories of our friendship will stay with me for the balance of my time.
Randy Hunter
San Antonio, TX
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