We would like to express our deepest sympathies for your loss.
Judy will be missed by many whose lives she touched in the Germania extended family.
May God bless you!
Bryant & Shirley
Holub Insurance Agency
Bryant Shirley Holub
Wichita Falls, TX
To the family of Judy whom we all enjoyed so much, may our good thoughts and prayers carry you through this difficult time.
Catherine Blakley Pam Blakley of LC2
Waco, TX
LC 350 would like to express our sympathy to Judy's family. She had a way of making you laugh, was always happy to talk to us, and was very generous with her time. She will be missed.
Rene' Gann
Kit Viehbeck
rene' gann
kingsland, TX
I worked with Judy for the last 4 years and just recently left Brenham for El Paso. Judy was a lady who always wore a smile, even if she was a bit cross with you. She enjoyed her work, and it seems she enjoyed life away from work as well. She will be missed by her colleagues, but naturally even more so by her family and friends.
I pray for the repose of Judy's soul and pray she rest peacfully with our Lord. I pray for consolation for her family and friends as they grieve.
Michael Davis
El Paso, TX
My most sincere condolences to Judy's family. It has been over 6 years since I did some work at Germania, but I still remember her like I was still there. A very kind hearted person that treated me like family the short time I was there. She is someone that I will remember always.
Stephen LeGrow
Houston, TX
So sorry to hear about the recent loss of Judy. She was such a special person, and her expertise was a great help to me whenever I encountered a problem. I will definitely miss her caring, "smiling" voice. May God strengthen you during this time.
Martha Lowry
Malakoff, TX
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Tracy Kurie
Brenham, TX
I am so sorry for your loss. I worked with Judy by phone regularly and she was my favorite person to talk with. I enjoyed getting her to laugh. I will miss her. Your family is in my prayers during this difficult time.
Bill Brown Jr
Bill Brown JR
Midland, TX
From the first time I met her, Judy was one of those people that I knew I could count on. And I did. She could straighten out the worst messes with a sense of humor and perseverance. She will be greatly missed.
My thoughts are with the family. I pray that the care of friends and family will help to carry you through this terrible time.
Anne G. Black, LC 379
Weatherford, TX