In Loving Memory

Glenda (Dolly) Krause

Glenda (Dolly) Krause
July 15, 1942
September 14, 2009
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Gerald and Family, This is a sad time and a joyous time. Dolly has had a very good life and gave all of you Love and affection that each can carry for a life time. At this time she is without pain and in the hands of God. God be with each of you in the coming days and forever. Douglas and Shirlynn Buck
Douglas Buck
Cameron, TX
Mr. Krause and family,
I wish you peace and the blessings of God as you get through this time of sorrow. Mrs. Krause was such a wonderful lady who obviously loved her family. Koy - you were blessed with a terrific mom! Hold tight to your memories.
Misti H. Corn
Misti Hartstack Corn
Brenham, TX
To the Krause Family,
We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless you!
Brad & Kay Lawhun
Ryan, Taylor & Trey
Brad Kay Lawhun
Brenham, TX
We are so saddened by Dolly's passing. We've enjoyed getting to know you and Dolly again since we've moved back to Brenham. She was a wonderful lady and we can only imagine how hard this must be for you. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Roy & Jan
Roy Jan Kelm
Brenham, TX
Dear Gerald and family,
All of you have my deepest sympathies. Although no words can truly help ease the loss of a Dolly ~~such a wonderful wife, mother, mother in law and grandmother....but just know many share your hurt.
My thoughts are with you and your family today, tomorrow and the days that follow.
Holding you in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

Debra, Ricky, Lacy and Luke
Rick Eckert Family
Burton, TX
Krause family,

I was saddened to hear the loss of Mrs. Krause. Seems not that long ago she was sitting in the stands cheering at the football games. My thoughts are with you all!

Chris Rybarski
Austin, TX
Mr. Krause, So sorry for you and your family's loss. My thought and prayers are with you in this time of loss. May God bless you and help you through this difficult time.
Kristie Swartz
Clarksville, TN
Mrs. Krause was always kind to me, to my wife and to every customer that she dealt with. She always seemed so happy to be where she was at that moment. I am thankful to have been able to know her, even if it was just as a customer.
Marshall Harrell III
Brenham, TX
Dolly was a wonderful woman. Can't ever remember seeing her without a smile on her face. My deepest sympathy to all the family. I know she fought a hard battle so sorry she did not win.My God grant her eternal rest and let the perpetual light shine upon her soul. God be with the whole family as they morn her loss.

Sincerly with love,
Gary and Katy
Katy and Gary Stelter
Brenham, TX

Dear Mr. Krause and family:

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at your time of loss.

With sympathy,
Kevan Copelin
Kevan Copelin
Brenham, TX
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