Sorry for your lose. He was my doctor for a long time and really did like him. He will be missed. I will keep the family in my prayers.
David Wunderlich
Brenham, TX
I first met Dr. Andersen in 1978 when I had foot surgery. A wonderful doctor who was the best in his specialty. Such a caring individual who was genuinely interested in his patients. He is sorely missed.
Marcella Feagin
Brenham, TX
Dr. Andersen did my foot surgery in 2010 and treated me for various podiatric issues. He was a kind soul and you could tell that he truly cared about his patients and their well being. He was a dedicated leader in our community and definitely gave back to others. He will be truly missed.
Tammy Johnson
Brenham, TX
Hal was a special friend...I treasure my memories. May it comfort you to know I care. He touched countless lives and made a difference...continue his legacy.
Mary Lou
Mary Lou Winkelmann