In Loving Memory

Pedro Hernandez Lara

Pedro Hernandez Lara
May 16, 1970
March 10, 2025
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Pedro Hernández Lara, Esposo, Padre, Abuelo, Tío, Cuñado, Padrino y Amigo. Nació el 16 de Mayo de 1970 en Zaragoza Coahuila México, llegó a Estados Unidos en 1990 y contrajo matrimonio con Lucy Salinas en 1999. Pasaron 28 años juntos hasta el momento de su partida el día 10 de Marzo de 2025.

Pedro trabajó en la manufactura de colchones prácticamente toda su vida. En su tiempo libre le gustaba mantener su yarda limpia y verde, amaba tener a su familia junta en las carnes asadas, siempre tenía algo gracioso para hacerlos reír a todos, amaba la música, le encantaba escuchar sus canciones favoritas a todo volumen casi casi para que todos sus vecinos la escucharan y la disfrutan con el, no solo eso amaba bailar en las fiestas. Vamos a extrañar ver como disfrutaba vivir!

Lo recibirán en el cielo con los brazos abiertos sus padres Pedro y Gabina Y su Suegro Rodrigo Salinas.

Conmemorando su memoria están su esposa Lucy, su hija Lucy, su hijastras Michelle, Ángela y Raquel, Sus nietos Joel Gonzalez, Lander Olvera, Larien Olvera, Lincoln Olvera, Luke olvera, Courtney Olvera, Arielle Salazar y Naomi Gonzalez

El velorio de Pedro será el viernes 14 de marzo de 2025 de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. en la Capilla Brenham Memorial Chapel. A partir de las 18:00 horas, las Hermanas de Pax Christi rezarán un rosario.

Una misa fúnebre se llevará a cabo el sábado 15 de marzo de 2025 a las 11:00 a.m. en la Iglesia Católica St. Mary's en Brenham con el Padre Javier Toscana oficiando.

Los servicios están a cargo de Brenham Memorial Chapel, 2300 Stringer St., Brenham, Texas 77833. 979.836.3611. Las condolencias se pueden compartir con la familia en

Pedro Hernández Lara Husband, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Brother-in-Law, Godfather and Friend. He was born on May 16, 1970 in Zaragoza, Coahuila, Mexico, came to the United States in 1990 and married Lucy Salinas in 1999. They spent 28 years together until the time of their departure on March 10, 2025.

Pedro worked in the manufacture of mattresses practically all his life. In his spare time he liked to keep his yard clean and green, he loved to have his family together at BBQ's, he always had something funny to make everyone laugh, he loved music, he loved to listen to his favorite songs at full volume almost so that all his neighbors would hear it and enjoy it with him, Not only that, he loved dancing at parties. We will miss seeing how much he enjoyed living life!

He will be welcomed in heaven with open arms by his parents Pedro and Gabina and his father-in-law Rodrigo Salinas.

Commemorating his memory are his wife Lucy; daughter Lucy; stepdaughters Michelle, Angela and Raquel; grandchildren Joel Gonzalez, Lander Olvera, Larien Olvera, Lincoln Olvera, Luke Olvera, Courtney Olvera, Arielle Salazar and Naomi Gonzalez.

A visitation for Pedro will be Friday, March 14, 2025 from 8:00am until 7:00pm. A rosary will be recital beginning at 6:00pm by the Pax Christi Sisters.

A funeral mass will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 11:00am at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Brenham with Father Javier Toscana officiating.

Services are in the care of Brenham Memorial Chapel, 2300 Stringer St., Brenham, Texas 77833. 979.836.3611. Condolences may be shared with the family at