In Loving Memory

John Sullivan Garnett

John Sullivan Garnett
April 5, 1936
October 4, 2013
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My heart is with you. Ellice
Ellice Smart
Coppell, TX
Please accept our condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Mary Tabone
Valley Stream, NY
So sorry to hear about John. Please accept my
Consolences and Prayers! Rember the good times.
Love you all. Patsy Dannhaus
Patsy Dannhaus
Belton, TX
Joyce and myself would like to offer our condolences to the Garnett family. John was one of the nicest men I ever knew, not to mention his kindness to others. The day always got brighter when I had the opportunity to have a brief conversation when meeting in the community. He will be truly missed by all who knew John Garnett.
Clyde & Joyce Averitt
Brenham, TX
The death of John Garnett will leave a void in our community that cannot be filled. He was kind,unassuming,and giving. He did so much for so many without fanfare or recognition. He exemplified the scripture "...if you do it for the least of these, you do it unto Me...". Roger and I exend our sincere sympathy to Deedle and family. May you be comforted to know that others care and share in your loss.
Mary Lou
Mary Lou and Roger Winkelmann
Brenham, TX
John and I go back 70 plus years. Never close since childhood, but always friends. May his soul rest in peace, and please accept my condolences.
John J. Kuntz, III
San Antonio, TX
We will all miss John, he was a very funny man. You guys had a wonderful dad, God bless.
Gertrude Addicks
Brenham, TX
Sympathy from Carol and Wesley. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wesley and Carol Westerfeld
brenham, TX
Prayers and love for your sweet family as we remember a great man! May happy memories carry you through the days to come.
Linda Perry
Brenham, TX
We send the Garnett family our deepest sympathy along with much love and hugs.
Bart and Marlene Hayden
Coppell, TX
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