In Loving Memory

James R. Bianchi

James R. Bianchi
June 21, 1949
April 7, 2011
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I'm also a classmate of Jim's from Lakewood HS Class of '67 and just learned of his passing. I agree with Steve Spayde that this is a great picture. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

I find it ironic that we find out so much about our classmates life after high school, but not until we read it in their obiturary. Makes me want to be sure to celebrate life even more.

Sorry to see you go, Jim.
Dean Bruce
Spencer, IN
I wish I had known that Jim lived so close. My condolences go out to his family and many friends.
Carol Lee
San Antonio, TX
I have just been informed of Jim's passing, via the Lakewood High School Class of '67 email group. Jim was a great guy in school and I have good memories of our time together at Harding Junior High where I had the pleasure of being on stage with him in 'The Wizard of Oz'. Of course it is sad to realize that a friend is no longer with us but at the same time it is wonderful to read what he had accomplished in his life. That is a great photo of Jim! Thanks for keeping this page online. ~ Sincerely, Steve
Steve Spayde
New Zealand, Other
I had the pleasure of working together with Jim in NYC for almost 10 years till late 2008. Jim was quick-witted, courteous, kind and considerate, and also very principled. There was a lot for this immigrant & business major to learn, from his both his cultural erudition and professional discipline, whether it was the plot of King Lear, or the proper punctuation and grammar in business letters documents. And his kindness - bringing his single neighbors red roses on a Valentine's comes to mind - and civility, too, left a deep impression. Thanks, friend, for the laughter & companionship that made this road a bit more enjoyable than it would otherwise have been. Grateful to have known you! c.a.
New York, NY
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the Bianchi family. Although I didn't know James very long, I had the pleasure of working with him in New York. He was kind and always made me laugh. You will be missed!
New York, NY
Gd Bless you friend! Pleasure to have known you!
Vance Shaw
New York, NY
Please extend our sincere condolences to James' family, in particular his partner. We enjoyed both his engaging stage presence and courtly manner. His love for Unity was utterly contagious: almost as if he had come home. His brief time here in Brenham translated into 20 years of real time--he made the most of it in so many ways.

We have many fond memories of James. Please remember him as the thespian who engaged us. WE so utterly enjoyed him Charley's Aunt.
Kelli Barnes
Brenham, TX
Listing entries 1 - 7 of 7.