In Loving Memory

Emil Kocurek, Jr. "Randy Reets"

Emil  Kocurek, Jr. "Randy Reets"
June 13, 1934
February 7, 2023
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I'm so sorry for your loss. Randy is an icon and part of Brenham's history. Gone but not forgotten.
Hearing him on the radio was always like coming home. He will be missed!
Susan Geick
Brenham, TX
To the Kocurek family,
May God's love surround you during this time and may the many sweet memories give you comfort in the days ahead. Mr. Reets was so sweet, and it is impossible to imagine growing up in Brenham without him. I can still hear his familiar voice calling the many baseball games we listened to so many times. He had many gifts and musical talents, as does your entire family. Thank you for sharing all of your talent with our community and St. Mary's Church. Your family has always had a special way of transforming our church events into something wonderful. If I may say, many a time I have thought of the Kocurek family as the "Von Trapp Family" of Brenham, and we have been blessed that Mr. Reets and your family have been such a big part of Brenham traditions. I know Mr. Reets will be smiling down from heaven and be proud of the legacy that your family will continue. He will be greatly missed. Our deepest condolences and love. Misti and Don Orr, Mary Ann Faykus
Misti and Don Orr
Brenham, TX
Please accept my condolences on the passing of your father and grandfather. Although I didn't work with Randy as much because of the time frame of my employment at KTTX-KWHI, it was my joy to answer the phone and hear the booming voice in my ear announcing, "This is RAAAANDY REEETS!" When he stopped by the offices we were entertained by his jokes and stories. Randy loved an audience.

It wasn't until Prentice's birthday party did I hear his musical abilities highlighted. I will never hear that chicken dance song again without thinking of Randy Reets. May God grant you comfort.
Lynnett Ratchford
Brenham, TX
I am so sorry for your loss! Your dad was always so good to me. We spoke only a few weeks ago when he had to tell me about how he had to argue with the baseball league so that I was able to play on his team. He laughed and said that they thought I was a little kid. Great memories of those softball years with him as the coach! He will be greatly missed!
Sheri Rich
Burton, TX
All my love and prayers for an awesome man!
Melinda Benavidez
College Station, TX
My sincere condolences to Randy's family.
He was a good friend and I know he will be missed by his many friends and fans!

May God Bless Randy and his sweet family.He spoke of his children and grand children often and loved them so much!


Diana Weiss Goodman
Diana Weiss Goodman
Houston, TX
I am so sorry for your loss. What a great man! I will never forget all of the great memories we experienced during our baseball days. He had a great talent of broadcasting games. More importantly, he was always the same guy during all of our encounters - friendly, encouraging, supportive, and happy. I will always remember "The Voice of the Cubs," Randy Reets! God Bless!
Jon Peters
Houston, TX
Emil was such a pleasant person to be around and was very humorous. He will be missed. Our thoughts, hearts and prayers are with you.

Our love,

Carla Dycus and family
Carla Dycus
Katy, TX
So sorry for ya'lls loss and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Your father was a very special man and touched so many lives. We enjoyed his enthusiasm and vivacious personality through his radio broadcasts and his conversations. I would work with him over the last 20 years when he would help us broadcast and advertise Burton area events. A true servant to his Lord and to his community. God's peace during this difficult time but know he will always be in our hearts and his legacy is lasting.
Susan Schulenberg Kiel
Burton, TX
Very sorry for your loss Chris and family. I think your dad raised very good humans and knows he is loved. Prayers for all.
Richard Cordray
Austin, TX
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