Dennis Penkert - Guestbook

Mr Penkert was truly an amazing man, when I met him over two years ago Mr Penkert and Mrs Penkert were moving into our community Bluebonnet. I fell in love with his daughter Donna and her husband Steve the very first time I met them. The love Donna has for her parents shined so bright when first meeting her, and it was truly honor to have the opportunity to be trusted to allow her parents to call Bluebonnet home. Mr Penkert will truly be missed here at Bluebonnet.

Jessica Garner
Jessica Garner
College station, TX
Please accept our deepest sympathy at the loss of your father. I got to know Dennis well over these last 4 years. I really enjoyed our talks hearing about his childhood and work experiences. He was a very special man and will be missed.
Tom and Kathleen Insley
Brenham, TX
I am sure you are missed already and will be dearly missed as you have entered into a new chapter. I did not know you personally, but I wish I did! What an interesting man. I got the word via email this afternoon from the Central Texas Beekeepers. You certainly sounded like an incredibly accomplished individual, and I thank you for your concrete work on the roads, interstates, ect. Without people like you we would not be able to get around to well in our vehicles. May God be with you as you rest in peace and my condolences to your family.
Lindsay Hill Baldwin
San Antonio, TX
How awesome to see that he got to celebrate his birthday with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thinking of you and your family.
Jean Haack King
Brenham, TX
Please accept my sympathy and condolences.
Trudy Kraft
New Braunfels, TX
Darrell and Donna so sorry for your loss.
Kathy Ahlhardt Ransleben
Burton, TX
Doris, it was a blessing to become acquainted with the two of you thru our membership at Abiding Word Church. We extend our sincere sympathy on the death of Dennis. Prayers are being offered for the Lord to bless you with comfort and peace.

Douglas & Marilyn
Marilyn Heckmann
Benham, TX
Doris and family: Special thoughts and prayers to all of you during this difficult time. Growing up in Burton we always knew Dennis would do well, doing the work he loved. May fond memories bring you peace and comfort.

Floya Ann Merten
Alice Dannhaus
Alice Dannhaus
Brenham, Tx, TX
May God's Blessings be with you.
Marcus Broesche
Burton, TX