In Loving Memory

Dan J. Moran, Jr.

Dan J. Moran, Jr.
July 29, 1926
August 10, 2012
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To the Moran family:
Thank you for sharing Mr. Moran with us, the community, Catholic church and especially Mo-Ranch. What a special legacy Mr. Moran leaves for and with us for those who have worked, worshiped, renewed and been inspired at Mo-Ranch. May God meet all your needs at this special time. Peace, Stan and Carolynn Cobbs, worker @ Mo-Ranch from 1981-1986
Stan and Carolynn Cobbs
Kerrville, TX
We enjoyed you both so much when you came to the Decorative Arts Conference at Mo-Ranch several years ago. It was an honor and a delight to get acquainted with you. We especially appreciated the fascinating stories about the ranch's early days. And I will aways be grateful for Dan's help with my book, "From Forge and Anvil."
We are saddened by his death and send our condolences to you and your family.
Candace and Bob Leslie
Candace Leslie
Bryan, TX
Carolyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Dan was a wonderful person and will be missed by all.

Rose Weido Harris
DickinsonI am sorr, TX
Our sincere sympathy to the Moran family. Mr. Moran was a wonderful example of quiet dignity and steadfast love - love for his family, his ranch, and his passions. We were honored to also to be a recipient of his generousity, as he purchased one of Jon's earliest steers at the Wash. Co. Fair. What an impact he had on so many young people! What a legacy!
Don, Jane Jon Wellmann
Washington, TX
Dear Moran Family,
We were so sorry to hear of Mr. Moran's passing this weekend. We prayed for and fondly remembered him Saturday at the Mid-Coast Santa Gertrudis Association annual meeting and sale, an event and organization he passionately supported. What a super nice man! Our family enjoyed his kind spirit, congenial demeanor and fun visits. We also enjoyed being "honorary relatives" and talking about being Morans even though not related. May fond memories of a life well lived by a wonderul gentelman be a comfort to you and yours in the days ahead.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
With Sympathy, David, Christy, Madison and Dawson Moran
Christy Fuchs Moran
Brenham, TX
So sorry to hear about Dan's passing. I will always remember the good times at Winedale.
Gloria Jaster-Hickey
Round Top, TX
I am so sorry to hear of Dan's passing. He was a very smart and compassionate fellow. I knew him through the Santa Gertrudis cattle business and knew of his love for his ranch and cattle. His wit will certainly be missed! Rest in Peace, Dan.
Judy Cochran
Livingston, TX
Dan was a dear friend and special person. We are glad to have known him these last 30 years.

He is assured of a place in heaven.
Dick and Carolyn Neal
Brenham, TX
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